CIBHS partners with WEAVE: Collaboration leads to improving lives for survivors of domestic and sexual violence
CIBHS creates excellence in behavioral telehealth: CIBHS partners with CHCF and CBHDA to offer virtual training to improve skills in behavioral telehealth
COVID-19 caused a disruption to behavioral health service delivery to people with mental health and substance use disorders. A quick transition to telehealth was needed to ensure continuity of care. Providers needed the knowledge and skills to effectively engage diverse clients, work effectively with children and families, and address specific challenges people faced because of the pandemic.
CBHDA sought out a solution from CIBHS. Partnering with the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) and the California County Behavioral Health Directors Association (CBHDA), CIBHS designed a custom 12-week virtual training series that offered clinical techniques, tools, and resources to help with engagement, crisis intervention, harm reduction, trauma-informed interventions, and mitigate implicit bias when providing telehealth.
CBHDA and CHCF loved the fast response. Over 6,000 behavioral health providers throughout California participated in the 12-week telehealth series. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and evaluations revealed that the clinical techniques were timely and applicable. One participant stated, “the speakers were great and provided useful tools and resources that I will use in my practice.”
CIBHS partners with WEAVE: Collaboration leads to improving lives for survivors of domestic and sexual violence
Thriving in the New DMC Managed Care Environment: CIBHS partners with LA County Substance Abuse Prevention and Control (SAPC) in a multi-year capacity building project.