Improving Lives Using Data: CIBHS helps evaluate the California Small County Whole Person Care Collaborative (WPC) Pilot Program
The Small County WPC Collaborative pilot program needed to build data collection tools and processes to meet state requirements, facilitate data-driven decision making and quality improvement during pilot implementation, and document program outcomes. Program staff needed to capture data for process measures, physical and behavioral health outcomes, and social determinants of health.
CIBHS helped the Small County Collaborative design and implement electronic data collection forms to capture the information program staff needed. This included creating a monthly status report to record key performance measures and reviewing data with the Collaborative throughout implementation. The result was a comprehensive program evaluation report at the conclusion of the 5-year pilot period.
Data showed that Small County WPC pilot participants increased engagement in primary care, decreased use of emergency departments and stays in hospitals, and improved mental health outcomes. The evaluation documented key factors associated with success in WPC that can help counties and health plans during the CalAIM transition.
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Thriving in the New DMC Managed Care Environment: CIBHS partners with LA County Substance Abuse Prevention and Control (SAPC) in a multi-year capacity building project.